Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ando sin Pisto

Wow how things have changed since I´ve come to Honduras. At home I never had a lot of cash on me, but the amount I used to carry around would be a fortune here. I also knew that I always had access to an ATM as well and could take out money anytime I needed. Here I am fortunate enough to have a bank in my site (as several volunteers do not) and I even discovered the other day that there is a person in one of the hardware shops in town who you can go to if you want to take out money as well. Last Friday I realized I should have gone to the bank because I only had 50 lempiras to get me through the weekend, which is roughly equivalent to $2.50, but as it isn´t open on the weekends I needed to wait until this week. By the time I got to the bank yesterday, with a grand total of 2 lempiras (ten cents), the system was down and no one could take out any money. I had gone to the bank with my sitemate who had slightly more money than I did, 40 lempiras, so not being able to take out any money we went to the agent in the hardware store. We didn´t have any more luck there as I couldn´t remember my pin number (because I have never used an ATM) and when my sitemate swiped her card it said it wasn´t a valid account. So now we are stuck with barely over two dollars between us until the system is fixed at the bank but at least people here understand the situation and will let me pay them back. Before coming here I never would have imagined myself walking around with so little money so we´ll see how long it lasts me...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, we love looking at your BLOG. Thank you for the updates. Please keep them coming. Sounds like you are really making this your home. We're so grateful that you are happy, staying healthy and truly helping so many by being there. We love you Sarah - the Jones Family

Anonymous said...

It's great to keep track of your progress and tribulations! Thanks! Alf Brandt